Saturday, January 28, 2023

The First Build!!

Welcome to the moment you have been waiting for....... The first build! As I had previously posted Christian, and I concluded on building a group of "Monster Jam" monster trucks which can each be built into two different models which also come with a pullback motor. I had purchased a bonus pack version that included 4 of the 6 figures to get started on.  

The 4 “Monster Jam” trucks include:  

212 piece “Grave Digger” 

230 piece “Max-D” 

247 piece “El Toro Loco” 

260 piece “Megalodon”  

Although Christian really wanted to start off with “Megalodon” because the sharklike look was the coolest! We started with “Grave Digger” because apart from it being one of the original monster trucks in real life, it was the lowest on piece count. Since this would be our first our first build, I wanted to be able to use this as a gage of how difficult and how much time it might take to complete one model. I figured if we could improve the build time moving forward with more complicated models in the future this would be a considered a huge improvement!

Now for the fun part, the actual building! Seeing that these Lego “Technic” kits use different blocking systems designed to be slightly more difficult I wanted to see how Christian would respond. I got my answer quickly upon dumping contents of the box on the table he looked at me and asked, “Are you sure this is Lego?” We set the timer to 60 minutes, opened the instruction manual and got to work. There were plenty of times he was unsure as to how to connect certain components and I had to find various strategies that would help simplify things for him, such as using the table to click pieces together, and making sure he was following along with the instructions correctly to name a few. But I do believe he had come a long way in just 60 minutes. Although we did not fully complete our first project, I had taken a ton of mental notes on how to improve our time management moving forward! Stay tuned to see our finished “Grave Digger” and start of “Max-D”! 

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