Thursday, February 2, 2023

Build #2! Max-D!

Although Christian and I did not finish our build during last week's hour, we made up some ground this week! In this week's hour we were able to complete the "Grave Digger" build quickly and jump right into our "Max-D". The hardest part of this week was trying to get Christian to stay focused because as soon as the first truck was fully built, he just wanted to play with it. I would have to continue motivating him too by ensuring him that if we managed to get both trucks done in this hour, he could race them and play with them both!  

So on to the second build of "Max-D", if there was one thing, I had learned doing the first build was we were very unorganized! Since we were very excited to get building the contents of the box were dumped on the table and then the treasure hunt for the correct blocks started. I was pretty sure if we spent a little time organizing the components this time it would help us achieve our build faster. I noticed his skill set developing from the previous week. He was using some of the tricks I had taught him to connect blocks and stay on track in the instruction manual, although things did not always go smoothly, I was thrilled with the progress he had made. We were able to get both builds accomplished minus the stickers! But I still have a few more ideas on how to speed up our process so stay tuned! 


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