Saturday, January 14, 2023


Hello there! My name is Kyle, I am an automotive service technician by trade. Currently I am enrolled in Brock Universities Technical Education Program. This, like many other of my classmates, is my first ever blog post! This blog will follow my genius hour journey for the next 6 weeks, where you will be following along seeing "How many 200+ piece Lego sets can I build with a 6-year-old, only using 60 minutes a week for 6 weeks?".  

Now before you quickly exit the page wondering "Why exactly would I want to know that?" hear me out. I recently read an article for my studies called “Why your teenager can’t use a hammer” by Cynthia Reynolds, published in Mcleans magazine August 25, 2011. It got me thinking about how basic skills are now declining fast in younger generations due to the rise in technology. My nephew, being only 6 years old falls into this demographic. Now although building with Lego toys may seem like simple child's play, there are plenty of basic skills that it helps to develop in children. Those basic skills can be eventually transferred to bigger projects or even future careers in trades.  

The goal of this project, aside from me being able to still spend quality time with my nephew despite a busy schedule of working full-time while attending school, is to see if he can develop organization, time management, and hands-on skills. While learning the importance of following steps in the instruction manual. All those basic skills are what I use daily in my trade, speaking from experience this toy helped me when I was his age. I am looking forward to getting started and showing everyone just how many cool builds, we can produce! 


Mcleans (August 25, 2011). Retrieved January 14, 2023, from

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